Paraprotein news

This topic contains 20 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #93416


    Hi Andy,

    I hope you get some definite direction from your next visit to the Prof. You are young and fit so perhaps the Allo might be a good option for you… Either that or a decent remission/plateau from your frontline might see you in a much better light for an auto by the time MM starts bothering you.

    In the meantime enjoy life and walks and beer…

    I had some great times walking in the lakes moons ago… Excepting Sca Fell which is a drudge whichever way you approach it.

    Many regards:-)




    Hi Andy
    Glad you had a good holiday, how did you get on today?
    Love Helen



    Hi Helen
    What a waste of time! Prof Jackson was at a conference and we saw one of his underlings who knew nothing about my case. So was sent on our way with a you'll probably receive a new appointment in the post! Not good.
    Hope your chest infection is improving.
    All the best
    Andy xx



    Hi Andy
    It is madding when you travel a long way,only to find it is a waste of time, lets hope it improves.
    Andy since there is a chance Slim might go on maintenance for Zamiza,i started to read up on it with the Myeloma Beacon some interesting trials,one being Velcade and Zamiza,might be worth looking at as Zamiza is a prohibiter, that breaks up protein in the cells.!!!!! worth a look and a few questions.Love Eve



    Andy,that's a real downer. Why did they not just cancel the appointment, and it's even more infuriating when you see someone that appears to know nothing about you and you case! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

    Hey I'm with eve, anything new is worth a few questions. Onwards and upwards as Tom would say 🙂

    By the way coli. Has had prelixafor approved today…no new dates yet though. Bit worried as we've not seen a post from biker chris, as he was due a second go today and yesterday? Hope it went well for him using prelixafor

    Vicki and Colin 🙂



    Hi Andy
    It is a blow when that happens, I find it very disconcerting when it happens to me, you come away thinking no one really cares or has any insight into how you really feel. Next time you come up ring his secretary to see if he's going to be there and if not maybe ask for it to be rearranged.
    My chest infection is way worse and am now on high dose steroids and more antibiotics to see if my breathing improves and the coughing stops. Only hope it's better before holiday at the end of the month. Hope you have a good time in Greece too. Speak soon
    Love Helen

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