Parent diagnosed last year & MM still thinks its boss!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nicola2708 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi There,

    This is the first time I've posted on this as I've just plucked up the courage.

    My Mum was diagnosed about a year ago with Myeloma. Now had 2 failed chemotherapies in total over the span of a year. We were all really upset to hear yet that this second (high dose velcade)treatment had had hardly any effect and pp levels are up higher, in the mid twenties. Is this a typical thing to happen? Mum's very positive and feels quite good as things were very dire at the start of last year and now she's able to do more and lead a fairly normal life except for all the appointments. I can't work out whether to be preparing for saying goodbye or just thinking this is a blip and that its a matter of finding something else that will start to turn things the other way around? I know nothing is ever straightforward with this disease but my friend's husband had about 6 chemo's before it started to work on him.



    Hi May I am glad you got up courage to post I am sure you will find it easier to cope with support on here. As I am sure you have realised myeloma is a very individual illness and we all react differently to the treatments so its hard to compare one person with another . Try not to get too down that the treatments your mum has had so far havent worked , there are so many combinations and drugs they can try till they get the right one for your mum. Paraprotein levels of about 20 are high but not drastically so , I had about 98% myeloma when I was diagnosed. Its great that your mum is getting on with life , having a positive frame opf mind helps with any illness Try not to get too down May you are a long way off having to prepare goodbyes , take it one day at a time and enjoy spending time with your mum Best wishes to you and your mum Bridget



    Hi May

    And a warm welcome to the group. Sorry to hear about your Mum.

    Its a worry when the treatment fails But there is a lot out their that will work its trying to find out what and when it will work. I tell Elaine (my young bride) when its time to sort things out the Dr will tell us just let them sort out all hiccups as we travel the road to remission.

    Its great to read your Mum is positive as am sure that helps along the way.

    Good Luck to your Mum on the road to remission.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Bridget, thanks so much for taking the time to send me these words. I keep re-reading them. All the best to you & your family, May



    Thanks Tom, that's a good way of looking at it & I'll certainly try to remember about the different treatments & that the road isn't ending yet!



    hi Bridget

    I only joined this site a week ago after plucking up the courage to write things down. So far my dads not had much look with his treatment, un like your mum he's struggling to stay positive. Which we try to keep his mood up beat. It's so nice to come on here and read about other people's journey's, and that positive things do happen stops you feeling so alone.
    Wish you and your mum love and support xx

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