Partial Remission

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just finished 6 cycles of CDT on the X1 trial, am have been told I am in partial remission, para protein at 9.1, and am now in the first week of VCD.Now, does partial remission mean this is as good as it will get for me ( I wish these keys would stop moving about, steroid shakes and brain fuddle !!) unless the new chemo. works, and if it doesn't what effect this can or will have on my chances of falling into relapse, with or without maintenance therapy? May be difficult to answer due to the seeming way this Myeloma affects each of us differently, I will ask questions at the next clinic but I like to be prepared. I mentioned in previous posts my back problem due to collapsed vertebra, it has been agreed I will have a vertobraplasty in a few weeks, with sound reasons being given for the unsuitability of the alternative kyphoplasty procedure, which I was hoping for to regain some of the height I've lost.
    Best wishes to all Jeff



    Hi Jeff.
    I can’t tell you wether partial remission is as good as it’ll get for you. I think 6 cycles is the norm for CDT and I think they’ll be trying Velcade to push your paraproteins down a bit further before going onto SCT. Velcade works well and quickly in most people and I’m sure it’ll get you to SCT if that’s the route you want.
    I had kyphoplasty on two vertebra at the end of September and regained a little of my lost height and improved my posture. I’m sure vertobraplasty will do the same for you.

    Every days a gift
    Enjoy them




    Hi, Andy, thanks for that.It about follows what I’ve found out, I’m not going the SCT route due to age, but have started Velcade with CD, so we’ll see what happens. Were you on painkillers for your back, and were you able to stop thse after the op.? Jeff



    Hi Jeff
    I was on pain killers for my back, very strong ones at times, but I stopped taking the stronger ones because I didn’t like the way they made me feel. So I stuck to paracetamol and oramorph. Post op I still get pain though it’s not as sharp as before where they operated. The trouble is my back has damage from top to bottom so if I’m not careful or do too much it’s very sore. My posture has improved some what though.
    So in answer to your question on good days( when I don’t do anything) I can get away without pain killers.

    Every day is a gift
    And a joy




    Thanks Andy,I’m one of those people who like to know what’s going on and what to expect, and what adjustments I can expect to have to make in my lifestyle, and so ask questions . I have kept the Zomorth morphine dose low so it’s on the borderline of hurting, I find this stops me overdoing things as it soon lets me know if I do ! Thanks again for the reply, Jeff

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