Peer Buddy service – support for you

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  courtneymyelomauk 2 years, 5 months ago.

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    If you would like to speak to someone on a one on one basis to discuss what’s going on for you, you’d be welcome to refer yourself for Peer Buddy support. Myeloma UK’s trained Peer Buddies all have experience of myeloma or a related condition, or of supporting someone with myeloma or related condition as a carer or family member. Sometimes it’s helpful to speak to someone who has ‘been there’ and understands intuitively what you are going through. Support is available to patients and also the carers/loved ones of patients.

    Peer Buddies are happy to discuss their experiences of myeloma and its treatment, as well as more personal and social issues such as employment, family life and coming to terms with the diagnosis. You can find out more and find the referral form via the Peer Buddy page on the Myeloma UK website. Please note that for data protection purposes the form must be completed by the person seeking support themselves.

    If you would like to discuss receiving Peer Buddy support you can also find out more by calling the Myeloma Infoline on 0800 980 3332.

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