Plasma cell leukemia

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  iang 10 years ago.

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    Hi there,I am new to this forum, I am 55 and  was diagnosed with multiple myeloma oct 2014, which was quickly changed to plasma cell leukemia after bone marrow results. Kidneys went into complete failure and was on dialysis for several weeks. I was put on vcd chemo immediatly and after 6 weeks the kidney s had recovered!, I am just about to start stem cell treatment..first using my stem cell and hopefully topping up in a couple of months time with a matched diner stem cell. Anyone out there with plasma cell leukemia who may have any experiences to share?



    Hi Jenny

    You might struggle to find someone else with PCL here, it is much rarer than myeloma, and myeloma is a rare cancer. I think you’re the first person to mention it in these forums. Myeloma UK have published an Infosheet about it:

    There are some topics (threads) about PCL in the Myeloma Beacon forums in the US. You can find them by going into the forums here:

    and typing ‘plasma cell leukemia’ in the search box near the top of the page. Note that a simple search just looks for the words in topic titles. Doing a search using the usual UK spelling ‘leukaemia’ finds a couple more results.

    Alternatively, or in addition, you can do a site search using Google. Type the following into the Google search box:

    “plasma cell leukemia”

    Putting a phrase in quotes forces the search to look for the phrase rather than the individual words. The alternate spelling provides a different set of results:

    “plasma cell leukaemia”

    Take care, and good luck with your treatment.


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