This topic contains 32 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #99549


    Hi Helen and Tom
    Well he is holding his own,went down to 61.4 now 62.2 so not to bad.
    As you can guess from his name ,he has always been Slim,he looks very healthy at 12st 8lb.But 9st 8Lb gives no room for any extra that might come his way.

    My thanks to you both,for your support,it does look if he has turned the corner,had bloods taken today,and they were ok,doctor said once his platelets rise to 75 the line can come out.Love Eve



    Hey well done that Slim (and Eve 😉 )

    Its been a long old haul for you both am sure :-/ but you have both done it with grace and am sure the odd cuss word (but thats Ok it helps8-) )
    Hope the Pl soon rise and line is whipped out.

    Love to you both

    Tom "Onwards and upwards" xx



    Hi Eve
    It's going in the right direction now, let's hope he continues, keep those plates coming:-)
    Love Helen

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