Pomi-T supplement

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  coasti 11 years ago.

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    I came across Pomi-T supplement recently, and thought about taking. It contains green tea, pomegranate seed extract, broccoli extract and turmeric. It’s UK made and has been tested in trial for prostate cancer. (info here: http://www.pomi-t.com/)

    I think I’ll ask my doc about it when I’m next at clinic, but I got frowned at a bit last time I ask about acupuncture for PN 🙁 so at best I expect they might say “no harm”.  I’ve read a some people take turmeric (curcumin) and that green tea should be avoided with velcade (which I’ve never had). I realise it’s not a fix but every little helps I reckon!

    Just wondering if anybody has taken or had advice about?



    • This topic was modified 11 years ago by  coasti.


    I’m on velcade so couldn’t try it anyway but there are a lot of ‘alternative’ remedies out there and some doctors are more open to them than others. My doctor at the Marsden prescribes me vitamin B and folic acid to help with the PN – and a couple of years ago when I had terrible shoulder pain he organised acupuncture for me. On the other hand, he advises me against the gym because of risk of infection – so I have to ignore him on that point as its one of the best things for me!

    I’ve also discovered that both echinacea and high doses of vitamin c are not advisable for myeloma and amyloidosis.





    Hi Jane,

    Thanks for the tip on vitamin B and folic acid, I think I’ll give that a go for my PN which isn’t painful just a bit numb at the moment.  I’d read conflicting things about ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) and didn’t want to risk it just yet.

    Enjoy the gym!


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