Possible move from France to North or South Wales (Cardiff) – advice/experience?

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    Hello. I was diagnosed with MM in Dec 2021, aged 57, and have had 4 rounds of chemo, one SCT and 2 rounds of consolidation chemo here in France. My (Welsh) husband and I are currently trying to decide whether to stay in France where we have lived for the past 4 years, or to re-locate back to either the North Wales coast or to the Cardiff area. We would appreciate any feedback from forum users regarding any of the following: relocating back to the UK from abroad with MM; re-entering the healthcare system; signing on with a GP; and experiences of anyone who lives in either North or South Wales regarding access to hospitals and other medical services for MM treatment.

    Many thanks!



    We live in North Wales…the local health board Betsi Cadwalaldr is rated the worst in Britain with numerous shocking failures in care. We get treatment for Sheila at Manchester Christie, though you can also get treatment at what was Clatterbridge but now moved to a new building in Central Liverpool.



    We live north of Cardiff, and I think the treatment at the UHW has been exemplary. even given that my husband was diagnosed in the middle of the lockdown. He is currently having his SCT in Singleton, Swansea, but I am not allowed to visit. Just the rules for the Haematology Ward. They are rightly being very cautious.



    We live in West Wales hubby treated in 2017 at Carmarthen hospital, then had SCT in Singleton 2018 and the treatment and care have been first class, being very rural transport to Cardiff for harvesting and SCT at Singleton Swansea could/would have been a nightmare but the team at Carmarthen sorted it all out with the wonderful patient transport service. Pre covid visiting allowed at Singleton’s dedicated SCT/Bone marrow transplant unit. All the very best.



    I should have mentioned that it was my husband’s choice to go to Singleton (because they have ensuite shower and wc in each room). He could have had the transplant at the Heath Hospital, but the facilities are not quite so deluxe!

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