Post SCT Sickness

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,
    It's been a whilst since I was last on the site. We've been consumed with the final stages of my sisters chemo and her recent stem cell replacement treatment.

    She has come through the treatment fantastically well. Whilst it wasn't easy, she responded far better than we had dared to imagine and was allowed home a little under 4 weeks.

    The reason for this post is to enquire if anyone else is aware of post treatment sickness that my sister continues to have, now some 6 weeks since her treatment.

    She doesn't feel sick but cannot keep a single thing in her stomach for more than an hour. She feels instantly well again afterwards, and hungry, but every time she easts the same thing happens.

    It's resulted in her going back into hospital but they seem to be at a loss. She ate little during SCT and her weight went down to 6 stone and she is really desperate to try and get her weight and strength back up.

    Her bloods are well on the up and it's frustrating for her that she can't get herself back on the road to recovery because of this.

    Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of sickness like this for such a prolongued period of time?

    Thanks you



    Hi Gary

    Am pleased your sister got through the SCT pretty well 😀 but am sorry to hear she is still being sick.

    I also was same and to be honest was strill taking anti sickness pills for month months after my SCT, my consultant was also saying its a long time for you still to be wanting them :-/ but hey she gave me them and I took them until "I" felt I dint need to have them. so with MM not one size fits all am afraid :-/ so if she can get the anti sickness pills that just might help.

    Good Luck

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Gary
    Slim had his SCT on 13 may and came out Ist of june
    He still takes ante sickness pills used to take Ondansetron but known to make you constipated,so now on Domperidone he was given 2 months supply by Kings,he takes them 30 min before meals,but does eat in between mealtimes.

    If your sister is having all this and is still being sick,then they should be doing some test,At 6 stone she should think about being tubed.

    Looking at Slim i have had a constant battle to get him to eat and drink,he went down to 62 k,I be came the carer from hell,he wanted to eat and drink but could not,he had to go in for fluids,bloods and platelets.

    Saying that he does seem to have turned the corner,very very tired but eating and holding his weight not going down,would like to see more fluid, he does his best,But it has been very slow progress.

    Hope this is some help.Eve



    Hi Gary
    As Tom said, same for me, many problems with food staying down so I took the anti sickness tablets and the omeprazole for months after my transplant, I've not lost that much weight but haven't put any on either. Only bland food worked for me at the beginning and there are still many things that I can't eat and the sight and smell of some makes me feel queasy.
    Love Helen

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