Post SCT : Sleep Issues?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  meganjane 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    I’m day 28 after SCT and until recently, I could sleep for England, generally getting around 10 hours solid sleep a night. For the past week though I’ve been struggling to get to sleep and inevitably wake in the early hours when it’ll take 2-3 hours to fall asleep again.

    I am still having pins, needles and aches in my lowers legs and feet and I don’t know if it’s this that’s disrupting my sleep or something else.

    Anyone else experienced anything similar?





    Hi Keith,

    It is my husband Phil who has Myeloma and he also has trouble getting a full nights sleep due to the neuropathy he has in his feet from the Velcade he had as his initial treatment. He finds wearing socks to bed helps a bit. Also massaging the feet and legs with cocoa butter can help.

    It may also be that your body is still recovering from the transplant and it may take a bit of time for you to adjust and get back into a routine. I know Phil never got a full night of sleep while he was in for his transplant with the various people coming and going checking vitals, giving drugs, etc, etc.

    I hope the pins and needles go away for you soon, they can make sleeping difficult.


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