Post stem cell transplant

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kazza909 7 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi , my Mum is currently in the beatson after having her stem cell transplant she is 5 days post transplant, she is really sick and nauseous, also tired, is this normal? How long will she feel sick for?




    Hi Kazza909

    The symptoms you are describing are perfectly normal for a stem cell transplant. I had one just over 4 years ago and felt very ill for the first two weeks immediately after it. I had uncontrollably sickness and eventually had to have anti sickness drugs pumped directly into my bloodstream to stop the nausea.

    But be reassured, I started to feel a lot better by about day 12 post transplant. I was then able to sit up and watch TV. Before then I was too unwell. Hopefully then your mum will be feeling a lot better in a weeks time.

    Good luck.



    Thank you , she is the same with the nausea got a line in yesterday, but she’s not interested in anything, doesn’t want to watch tv or really chat when we visit



    Hi Kazaa909

    i would back up what beetlejuice said – it can be two to three weeks after SCT before the patient begins to feel better. I was pretty shattered all the way through and often it was a comfort to have loved ones there even if I didn’t really engage. I took books in with me but never read them. Things tend to turn when the blood counts come back, which as beetlejuice says is normally after a couple of weeks.

    Wishing you and your Mum all the best,




    Thank you Greg




    I had a particularly torrid time when I had my sct. I was still vomiting after discharge (24 days) up until 8 weeks after transplant. When I left hospital I was too weak to walk and was wheeled around for 2 weeks. Unfortunately for me whilst I was vomited I burst blood vessels in my eyes and had a brain haemorrhage. As a result I have lost vision in one of my eyes. It’s a difficult process to go through, but hopefully your mum achieves a good response to treatment.



    Sounds awful Susan, just horrible to watch, hopefully picks up soon, how long have you been in remission?




    My 100 Day bone marrow showed that I was MRD -be, so I couldn’t have asked for a better result. That was in October 2016, so I hope and pray it will continue for a very very very long time.



    Excellent news all the best for the future

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