Post Stem Cell Transplant Vaccinations


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    Hi, I am almost 12 months post SCT and was given the go ahead by my cancer consultant in september to start re-vaccination. Having taken the schedule to my GP I have been give numerous delaying excuses as to why they couldn’t do them, anything from “schedule being lost” to “its a clinical decision” and the latest saying “its not in his contract” putting the onus on the hospital to provide this service.
    Can anyone tell me if they have experienced anything similar?
    Having suffered pneumonia last February I am “not a happy bunny” and wonder where I am expected to go to get these vaccines (includes all my childhood vaccinations)



    Is he a single GP or part of a practice? My practice could not have been more helpful, once they’d seen the blurb from Myeloma UK.



    Hi, thanks for your reply, its a practice with several doctors which is part of a bigger group with 6 practices and a care home. After 3 and a half months of arguing between the senior partner, the hospital and the CCG, me being told “its the hospitals responsibility”, amongst other excuses I contacted NHS England and then still having heard nothing by January I contacted the CQC. The following day I received a phonecall from the practice saying “they had now been given the go-ahead to do the vaccines”. Amazing what happens when you speak to the right people.
    I have since had a reply to a letter I sent to my GP in November explaining their “reasons” for not doing them earlier but all that it actually does is confirm my original suspicion that it was all about who is paying for them and he still doesn’t know if he will be paid for them. Should I care?
    At least I have been able to start revaccination at last but unfortunately I now face another delay due to being hospitalised with a lung infection.
    I’d actually read all the info from Myeloma UK and understood it to be standard practice that your specialist refers you back to your GP. Hope no-one else has this problem but if they do then I suggest contacting the CQC as soon as you can to save a lot of time.



    Hi, the way you describe your experience sounds like you were dealing with your electricity company rather than your gp. Given all you have been through this is very disappointing but in all honesty not surprising to me. I’m afraid my fuse is considerably shorter than yours L.O.L and I would have had the GPs ear pinned to the ground after 5 minutes. However thanks for the advice about contacting the CQC it will save us all a lot of time if we’re in the same position in the future.
    Sorry to hear about the lung infection but congratulations on a successful sct and I hope you recover soon.
    Best wishes




    My husbands transplant coordinator sent a schedule of vaccinations to his GP and they phoned him to raange the appointments. They initiated Flu and Pneumonia jabs too. Quite a different experience,

    best wishes

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