Posting photos

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #109914


    Hi Folks
    It seems we have a problem with attaching large photos to posts. If you try to attach a large photo or photos the website accepts your post but rejects the photo(s) without any warning. Not very helpful. I have pointed this issue out to the team and we will look into it. In the meanwhile I would suggest uploading smaller versions of the photos.

    If you're not familiar with photo editing I would suggest the free service provided by [url=][/url]. You can upload a photo and resize it to a width of about 1600. Then save it back to your computer by clicking the "Save & Share" button. Just make sure you don't save over your original photo, try giving it a new file name you will remember.

    Thanks to Min for pointing this out to us and apologies for any confusion cause.




    Hi Stuart followed your instrutions to the letter and do you know It worked with me Lol.

    Cheers and Many Thanks 😎

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