111? that’s high, I was told that anything over 120 is dangerous because the blood thickens. The most I had was 104. Now time to calm down, weight loss is normal, I lost 15kg and am now back up to almost my original weight. PP of 50/60 is a big drop, while others talk of having pp’s of below 20 or ideally 1 or 2, it is only one type of indicator as to the level of Myeloma your dad has. Mine have settled at about 32, fortunately, living in Germany they are still going to do STC. As for Neuropathy after velcade, for most it does dissipate, I finished Velcade end of October and only over Christmas did the Neuropathy reduce significantly.
So, it’s all very traumatic, there will be ups and downs and just when things seem to be moving on, MM will do something to throw you. The medics know what they are doing and they will be working very hard I’m sure to give your father the best chance possible.