pp levels

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Carolsymons 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    my husband is smouldering withh paraprotein of 26 is this good ?? not sure what other levels we should be keeping an eye on

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by  janmatthams.


    Hi Jan.

    Paraprotein levels are only a part of the picture as far as Myeloma is concerned. As your husband is smouldering at PPs of 26 there’s no need for treatment. Some people live with higher PP levels with no problems and some people have very low PPs and have lots of problems. As you will come across Myeloma is a very individual disease.

    The medics assess us using the CRAB system C = calcium(increased level) R = renal(kidney failure) A = anaemia and B = bone(lesions) this has been updated recently to include imaging too eg. MRI, X-ray and CT scans.

    As long as his regular blood tests come back normal and he isn’t feeling any new pains your husband could smoulder for a long time.

    Every day is a gift.

    Andy xx



    Thanks so much Andy that makes complete sense and I know what to keep eye on now, were going for first appointment since diognosed  today so will see what all his levels are today

    Jan xx



    Just to add to what Andy has said, my PP level since SCT January last year stabilised at 24, I have not had any treatment since. They have only just started to go up but my Kappa light chains are well within limits, heamoglobin, lucozydes and platelets are all well within normal range. On this basis I will go back next momth for another blood test only.

    My doctor did say that IgG proteins will increase in line with the lucozydes if someone has an infection that the IgG targets. e.g. cold or flu type illnesses.

    I am sure your consultanty will carry out blood tests over a period of time to give a true reflection of what is going on.



    My husband has not long been diagnosed with MM and kidney failure and anaemia, the doctor said he presented with thirty six thousand light chains but has never mentioned what his PP level is, do you know if this is high how are we supposed to understand everything when you can’t get the doctors to just give you straight answers they won’t even say what stage he is at can you or anyone help me understand this.



    Hi Sandra
    Next visit ask for a copy of your husband’s blood tests. Then you will be able to track paraprotein levels, light chains and because of his kidney issues, creatinine level. I had some difficulty getting my results while being treated at Ealing Hospital, London, but at Hammersmith Hospital, where I had my transplant, they willingly printed results for me. As treatment progresses it is reassuring to track the falling numbers.


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