Has anybody found it difficult to deal with their partners behaviour? I’m sure I’m not alone but my husband is very reluctant ro communicate with me or anyone else for that matter.
His myeloma returned after a stem cell, giving him 14 months remission. He was tried on Carfilzomib, but sadly it was no good for him and it was stopped after two cycles and lots of hospital treatment and blood transfusions….this was very worrying and stressful for him and us as a family. He is now on steroids and Lenilidamide which have worked well ivet 2 cycles and brought down the para protein levels.
last week he was told that he would not be suitable for a second transplant due to the short remission gained by the first one…..also because of his other health issues, heart problems and prostate cancer, both of which are no worst than last time…they also said that it had a bearing on it that he a was 2 years older…he is 64.
One of my problems as his partner and carer is that his moods are very changeable. He doesn’t like to discuss anything with me and can be very dismissive of my needs. I understand this as he has a lot to contend with, but he is being quite unpleasant to me at times and blames everything on me. He won’t tell me if he feels unwell and when he says he feels unwell he won’t go and rest as he says he doesn’t sleep during the day or he just denys that anything is wrong.
It’s so hard to deal with this every day…I have changed my entire life over the past 3 years or more to help him through this, but I feel at a loss now as to how to deal with everything. I went to a carers group at Macmillan, but to be honest I found it difficult and not helpful as everyone needed support and I am really not in a good enough place to offer that to others at this time…
thanks for listening….😢