This topic contains 25 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by mhnevill 12 years, 7 months ago.
Hi Dai
I do hope you and Janet are on the mend and feeling better now.
Hi Keith
Can you believe my husband drank tonic water and this helped his cramps. Not very scientific I know but something to do with the quinine?
Love Teresa.
Hi Everybody,
Thank you one and all for your messages of support.:-)
I woke this morning at 7am to a temperature of 38.10 and I thought OK? hospital it is. I left it until 8am to allow for shift changes and the fact that I would be examined at the Day Case Unit, which doesn?t officially open until 9am.
Now here?s a truth. I will not jeopardise my health by avoiding hospital? but I will only ring in if I really have to? and why? Because the last time I was in with an infection, twelve weeks ago, my consultants started considering alternatives to Revlimid? and that, until I realise for myself that I am truly relapsed, is not an option. 😐
I will cope with any amount of side effects and related conditions? infections, chills, front and backdoor problems? sweats, no-go days and fatigue. But I want to be able to cope with any such problems for as long as I can? and Revlimid is, by far, the best treatment currently available that will allow me that chance. So, staying with Revlimid is my prime concern. Sounds silly I know but generally, outside of these problem periods, I feel good? as well as at any time since the beginning of my MM. Too many hospital visits might create doubts about my treatment for my consultants but there is no doubt for me? and I don?t want to give them ammunition. 😐
I took my temperature at 8am before ringing in and it read 37.6? so I left in until 8.30am and it read 37.3. So? what to do?
Janet woke me up at 10am? it seems I had slept on it. I took my temp: 37.1? no hospital for now. And the good news is that I have improved steadily throughout the day. Motions are still loose but the antibiotics I am on (obviously doing their job) have caused that before during the first few days and I have had mainly liquids, including soup, for three days. Back on small portions of solids now and so far so good. My appetite is coming back and my temperature has stayed down? my last four reading have been completely normal, so I honestly think that the corner has been turned? and after the way I have felt for the past five days or so I am mightily glad of it.8-)
Doctor?s appointment tomorrow? my safety net appointment and I will attend feeling so much better than I did on Monday? if still weak and feeble? but no wonder.;-)
Thanks again 😀
Hi Dai.
That's good news. Hopefully you'll settle down back to a bit of 'normality' now.
All the best Dai.
Hi Teresa, you've just stolen my thunder with regards to tonic water. I drank a half glass of it last night and guess what no cramps during the night. Coincidence maybe but I'm staying with it for as long as it works.
Thank's again.
Good morning Dai,
I am so pleased to hear that you are feeling so much better. It is such a vexed issue to make the decision to go into hospital with a raised temp. Steve has been rushed in before now with a high temp and chest infection, only to be sent home with a good blood count and feeling slightly silly. I dont believe it is ever a good idea to take risks because neutropenic sepsis is such a dangerous thing but I absolutely hear what you are saying about not giving your doctors any ammunition to end your treatment.
I strongly believe that we do know our own bodies, especially you guys who have been through so much treatment and have grown so used to listening to them.
I hope now you continue to improve and start feeling back to normal soon,
Much love Mari xx
Hello Dai
I haven't looked at this site for a while. My wife and I went to Minehead last week and I'm only just getting over the tiredness. Pity about this weather!
So sorry to read about your trials and tribulations. I don't even have a thermometer so have no idea about my temperature – probably just as well or I would worry about that too!
Hope you continue to improve.
Keep fighting.
Hi Dai
Well you sure are fighting this bugger the hard way.
I do hope you soon get the drugs well into your system and they stop beggaring you about.
I think you are correct doing your tem more than the once before going in as am sure it will change through out the day.
Hope the temp is still col and you keep fit My Friend
Tom "Onwards and upwards"
Hi All,
Seen by my 'thorough' GP this morning and after examination he declared me 'on the mend'. Apropos of Keith's dilemma, he thought my dose of 40mg of Dex in one sitting to be 'rather excessive'. He didn't envy me having so much at once… I told him that I felt so bad initially yesterday morning that I decided to leave it until today… Now taken and Dexday tm is go.:-P
I enjoyed the rest of Janet's extremely tasty risotto for lunch and my stomach feels far more settled… so hopefully my GP's prognosis is correct.
'Normal' feels so sweet.:-)
Hi Dai
Well one time I would have just done as I have been told,I have had Slim in to hospital twice since he came out on the first on June,both times raised temp,plus visit to DVT clinic,his nuets and plates are still below normal ,so I think best save than be sorry.:-P
I was told if he is ever sick bring him in:-S ,well if i took him in every time,we would be come a part of the furniture,I think also Slim would stop telling me any problems he has:-/ This is were the fine line comes in.
When is a stomach upset,or a raised temp,just what it is or turns out to be more serious,I now just do ops,for a couple of hours,saves going to hospital,and because if Slim is ill we have to go to A&E,your lucky Dai that you can go straight to clinic.
Dai if the DEX is giving you a lot of trouble it can be reduced,even on trials they allowed this,and do not forget Dex hides infection,no outward signs just confusion in Slims case,plus a bit un steady on his feet,this caused mass blood clots plus holes in lungs with pnuemonia ,So be careful
Hi Eve,
I am taking great care… I'm due to be at a surprise 50th Birthday party for my youngest brother in Swindon on Saturday but at the moment it is not looking likely. I had planned to go, I want to go and I will make my final decision on Saturday am. My daughter and partner are due to travel with us but she has her car and satnav ready if I decline. For me it is not just a matter of being well enough, which I may be but I want to be strong enough as well and only I will know that and I most certainly will defer to the side of caution… especially as the main event is a meal for approx: 60 of our family… so many loved ones, so many germs.;-)
I woke this morning to a temperature of 35.55.!! It took 3 hours to come back to normal vial wooly hat, scarf and extra blanket… what next?:-(
But overall I am feeling much better with little to no sign of the stomach problems… as a matter of fact I took a Movicol this am and will take another shortly.;-)
Thanks for your support.:-)
Hi Dai
Just caught up with these posts.. Relieved that you are on the mend. Do hope that you are able to make the party on Saturday, but understand your concern about germs.
Very best wishes to you and Janet.
Mavis x
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