Question re HBO

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  petesilver 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    I had my first session of oxygen therapy yesterday. I’d had a cataract operation the day before so they didn’t put me in the pressure chamber. I actually was very glad of that as it is pretty claustrophobic. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get used to it. I’m paying £30 a session so will only have it every three weeks or so. Has anyone got any idea as to how often you should have this therapy so it is effective?

    Many thanks




    hi Scott

    how are you doing keeping fairly well I hope I don’t know what they did to this site I have not been able to access it for weeks had to get my son in law to do it My Velcade treatment has worked but my kidneys got worse once the treatment had finished they don’t know why so much so they fitted a fistuler in my arm fortunately had a bit of an improvement it took an hour and a half under a local
    they would not let me look probably thought they didn’t want a stupid woman passing out I have not heard about HBO treatment I hope it is successful for you
    Keep well LOVE JO X



    Hi Jo

    I’ve been worrying about you as you were so quiet for so long. I’m really glad you are still relatively OK. I thought my kidneys would be worse from the stem cell transplant, but so far thank goodness they are holding up. I’m due to see Prof Schey on Monday for an update. I’m hoping that between curcumin and oxygen, I will stay in remission now for a while, but who knows.

    All the best




    Hello Scott

    I have been having HBO on a weekly basis for over five year now but under pressure as that is more beneficial but before I started I did contact a professor at Dundee university who was an expert in HBO, because I did not want to compromise the treatment I was having at the time and if I change treatments I always ask them.

    Now can I say it has helped ?? Impossible to quantify but it has helped with keeping up my hemoglobin and energy levels, the one thing I always remember that the professor said in his email is that cancer hates oxygen I hope it does help you.




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