I thought my record time of 20 minutes for being seen and treated (Velcade) could stand being recorded by the Guinness Book Of Records… I never thought it could be beaten. I was proven to be wrong with that assumption today. I was called in to the Day-Case Unit and then called back out and told to follow a nurse. She took me to a single chaired waiting room for a small examination room. We carried out all the usual observations, followed by one quick stab (less than 3 seconds I promise you). Trousers fastened and out of the hospital doors in 12 minutes flat.8-) 🙂 :-0
The unit was very, very busy and Janet believes they picked on me for treatment outside the norm because I will go along with anything as long as I am treated. I would like to believe that that is true… otherwise what next… the toilet?:-P 😀
Ho hum.8-)