
This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #100559


    Hi all,

    It took two attempts to get enough stem cells. But after the second try on Tueaday I have enough for 2 transplants.

    The next stage is 5 small blasts of radiotherapy next week, starting on Monday.

    I have been told to expect to feel tired and nauseaus.
    Is there any other side effect I should be prepared for.
    The radiotherapy is on my lower spine.

    Thaanks to you all for your support,

    Tina x



    Hello Tina

    I can't help you with your radiotherapy question because I haven't ever had to have any, but I just want to say "well done" for doing so well with your stem cell harvesting.
    It's a great feeling to know that there are two SCT's in the pipeline isn't it? 🙂



    Hi Tina,

    Well done on the stem cell harvest!! My husband Phil had radiotherapy on both of his legs, five sessions over five days. Side effects are obviously different for everyone but Phil felt tired but didn't suffer from any nausea. The tiredness may have had as much with having to travel into the hospital everyday as with the actual radiotherapy!:-) He did struggle a bit with the actual radiotherapy as he needed to lie very still on a hard table for about fifteen/twenty minutes during each session and this hurt his back but paracetamol was able to help with this. Good luck for next week.




    HI tina,

    At the very start of my MM journey I was diagnosed with secondary bone cancer, primary unknown… with another 14 months before the correct diagnosis of MM. THE CT Scan carried out at my small, local hospital showed a reasonably large tumour that had crushed a couple of vertebrae and was in imminent danger of cutting into my spinal cord… so I was rushed 75 miles (from CT results to being in bed at Swansea took 4.5 hours) to the nearest clinical hospital. I was assessed, given copious amounts of morphine and the next day (a Saturday) I was given a double dose of RT… by the head of Nuclear Medicine with a full compliment of staff which I was told was a rarity indeed.

    Sunday I was left to rest followed by single doses of RT Monday to Friday inclusive. On Friday afternoon I was visited by 2 physiotherapists who bade me to leave my bed and walk. I stared at them with pity bordering on disdain.. I had not walked more than a few pain filled steps with either a Zimmer or a wall for support in over 10 weeks.

    But I managed to swing my legs out of the bed and onto the floor and with the aid of a Zimmer I was almost overwhelmed by my ability to walk. Such was the success that by the ti,e Janet and a couple of close friends arrived for visiting time at 3pm I was waiting at the lift… unaided, with the Zimmer hidden around the corner.

    Apart from feeling a bit washed out and some shakiness in my legs I had no pain (thank God I remain free from that pain which is/was the worst I have ever known) and no nausea or other side-effect apart from a slight burning sensation at the point of entry at the back but nothing of note.

    I wish you the same or even less side-effects.




    Hi Tina

    Well done on that Collection Girl 😀 am proud of you 😎

    As for the RT I haven't had any but my young bride (Elaine) had 25 sessions of it due to breast cancer 🙁 and yep she was tired but it went well skin started to burn a little near the end of the treatment but they gave her cream to use. Elaine is doing great now and is four years clear am pleased to say 😎

    Love from Elaine and I xxxx



    Hi Tina,

    Well done on those cells 😉

    Colin had one big dose of RT. He said it made him feel tired, a bit breathless and a bit sicky but not too bad. It was the tiredness more than anything and we had to put cream on the RT site to make sure the skin stayed soft. Other than a brown mark where the RT went in. No visible or ongoing issues.

    Good luck to you

    Vicki and Colin x

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