Hi Nikki
Your Auntie maggie seems to be one tough cookie to not realise she had a broken jaw, lesions are often there in advanced myeloma they should respond to treatment sounds if Maggie is on CTD which which is first line treatment.
The issue seems more to do with your aunties lung situation,swelling when people are bed ridden is usually fluid which quickly goes once up and about,the danger seems more in lack of mobility,so they should try to get her moving as much as possibly ,it often looks worst if someone has been very active,If your aunt has no children,take the lead and insist on speaking to who ever it is in charge of your Maggie this is not the time to sit back.
They will stop treatment if other issues arrive,this will be there first priority ,then get Maggie on her feet,before she starts treatment again.
I am sorry I cannot reassure you,your auntie is in the best place at this present time,but there is no reason why the family cannot be kept informed.
My advice would be be there as much as possible food and fluid given as much as possible,and keep her spirit up. Eve