Recently Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  muralijoy 7 years ago.

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    Hi there, I really don’t know where to seek for help to save my mum life. Recently she has been diagnosed that she has multiple myeloma and currently she is in Sri Lanka and I want to find out if I bring her here will she get any treatment. She is a UK resident and I am going crazy after heard the news about my mum. I need some help guys. Please feel free call me on 07515154928 to give me more information and I have lot of questions to ask. Your help much appreciated please do help me to get my mum cured. And I was told that she needs a Bone Marrow transplant as well. I really don’t know what to do guys. Some one know about UK treatment please give me call or leave me your number I will call. Thanks



    I would ring the Myeloma UK help line. Myeloma is a very individual cancer and we are all affected differently.

    Read the newly diagnosed booklet (link below) as this will help you understand more about the condition. Myeloma isn’t curable but it is treatable.

    Myeloma An Introduction




    hydrogen there last post is right you need to speak to myeloma help line it is no curable so better to realise that from the beginning but TREATABLE !!!! if mum can come to the UK and is a British citizen I would imagined would be seen in a British hospital. good luck  and it’s probably a stem cell transplant she might need xxx ann lynne



    <p style=”text-align: center;”>MThank You Paula and Annlynn</p>

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