Recurring aroma!!!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 1 month ago.

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    Has anyone else experienced this??
    Last year I went into hospital for my second SCT, just a few days after the first snow of the winter and the snow remained until after I came home. We have had heavy snow up here for over a week and since then I keep experiencing the overwhelming smell of my hospital room (a combo of disinfectant/cleaner and that sickly post-transplant 'sweetcorn' smell)!!!!!
    My experience in hospital was not particularly unpleasant but this smell has been almost nauseating at times and I can only assume it is the 'psycho' connection with the appearance of the snow again ~ or am I finally cracking up????:-S



    Hi Nettie,

    No I don't think that you are cracking up. I have the same problem with ice and I feel sick if someone mistakenly brings me a drink with ice in it. I have even felt sick when others have ice in there drinks and it's just from sucking it when I had the melphalan. Hope the snow clears up soon.
    Pamela x



    Thank you Pamela! that is very reassuring ~ I was beginning to wonder!
    Best wishes, Nettie x



    Hi Nettie I havent experienced this but I can understand it as certain smells takeme right back !!Hope it doesnt last too long and hope you dont get too many problems with the snow either love Bridget x



    Hi Nettie

    Recuring smells erm well my young bride says she gets them when am at home lol

    But as for post stem smell i have nothing no throw backs some times i cant remember he he

    One smell free tom (or is he??)

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