Remission no 2

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 10 years ago.

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    Remission no 2 ended before it started!
    I was on Velcade + Dex and starting cycle 6 when haematologist gave me the bad news that para protein had shot up to 39 having been on a downward trend last month. The MM had come back ‘very aggressively’ and Velcade not working any more.
    So now on to Revlimid + Dex.
    Any similar experiences?



    Hello Anthony

    Not had any experience of the pp shooting up but Colin has had revlimid and it was very effective for him. So good luck with that. It’s such an individual condition isn’t it!,

    Best of luck

    Vicki and Colin x

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