Remission periods

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mervyn53 7 years, 5 months ago.

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    I had my first stem cell transplant two years ago. Now my paraproteins have started to go up again and I have signed up for the clinical trial, part of which will be a second stem cell probably in the first quarter of 2018.

    I realise that it cannot be a scientific forecast, but does anyone out there have experience of the relationship between first stem and  the remission period and then second stem cell and remission period.

    Common sense would suggest that if the remission after the first is two years, then two years is likely to be the maximum after the second, isn’t it ?  Anyone seen any research ?





    Hi Mervyn

    I am 3.5 years post SCT and am doing well with Paraproteins at 45 (was over 4000 pre SCT). While I was there have my stem cells harvested I spoke to a man who said it was 8 years since his 1st SCT.

    Not sure it answers your question but my limited experience.

    I am very positive about my cancel. Gave me the chance to retire early which was great, I always hated work. Gave me the chance to smell the flowers. I have recently gone back to fishing, what can be better than sitting by a lake all day. It was worth getting cancel for all that. Now I just have to keep the DHSS as bay.

    Wish you well for the future.

    Best Wishes David



    Hi Mervin, Sorry to hear you are relapsing. As I am sure you know by now Mm is very individual and individually unpredictable so stats may or may not be relevant to you and yours. I have always been told the 1st Sct will give you the longest sct remission period and you can expect half of that again with the second and that is why those of less than a year remission are not normally offered a second. However I have heard of someone who got 4 years from his first and 8 from the second! I am now 3.5 yrs post 1st sct with high risk myeloma so I am pleased that whilst there are all sorts of stats etc out there it doesn’t mean you will follow them! I hope you 2nd sct/chemo regimen puts it firmly back in the box for many a year/ever – ask the same question on the myeloma beacon US site and I am sure you will find many who buck the trend on the 2nd. Best of luck



    Dear David and Rebecca

    Thank you for these postings. I have read Rebecca’s helpful and perceptive postings over the last few years and found them very helpful.

    I don’t assume anything about remission periods, except that overall there must be the law of diminishing returns. otherwise, doctors would do them again and again.

    In my case I currently feel fine, but my paraproteins have gone from undetectable to 6 and then 16 so still very low but the doctors are already on my case and I am signed up for the nationwide clinical trial. I think it gives me the best chance. We shall see.

    Live long and prosper !


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