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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years ago.

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    Hi I was a member of the forum for many years. My husband had a SCT some years ago and he had many years of the beast sleeping Had a consultation with doctor and blood tests. He was Devastated to be told the monster had raised its ugly head. Consultant organising an MRI. I will probably be asking many questions. Thanks in advance



    Hi there, I am very sorry to hear of your husband’s relapse, but unfortunately, that is the way with MM. We are here for you anytime you want support, advice, or just someone to moan at.

    I know it is not the news you would have wanted, but as a sufferer of the disease, I know that the best thing I had was the support of my family. I know how important that is. Please send him my best regards, and I hope he goes on to have treatment that will put it back to bed.

    onwards and upwards!

    regards, Tony



    Good morning Jean and of course Frank.
    We wish yous well with the MRI, try not to worry Jean (easier said than done I know) just letting you know Elaine and I are thinking of yous both…..onwards and upwards xxx



    Sorry to hear that your husband has relapsed. It is unfortunately the nature of the beast and we are currently going through dad’s 3rd line treatment after he initially had 7 years of remission post SCT, so I appreciate how disappointed you feel at the relapse. Hope the MRI goes well and that subsequent treatments get the MM under control again quickly.
    Stay positive xx

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