
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jellytot 7 years, 10 months ago.

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    Has anyone ever had Revlamid suggested as initial treatment? I am recently diagnosed and haven’t begun treatment yet. I was initially told I would start on VCD but now there is talk of Revlamid being used as initial treatment. I don’t know why/have details yet.

    I fully trust my doctors and will go with whatever they think best, but, just wondered if anyone else went down this route or have read about it? My understanding was Revlamid was used for remissions.

    I’m not concerned at this suggestion at all. Just interested. Thanks



    I will watch response to this post with interest as I am due to discuss my treatment options at the end of this week.



    Hi, I was treated with revlimid as a first line of treatment. My consultant applied to the cancer fund here in Northern Ireland as I had peripheral neuropathy as a myeloma symptom. I was on it for a year but didn’t get remission. I am now starting cycle 5 of velcade and unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be working either. I think regarding  side affects there hasn’t been much it. Only thing is that you have to attend weekly for sub cut whereas revlimid tablets means up four weekly. I take velcade 4 weeks on one off while revlimid was 3 weeks on 1 off. Hope this helps, Jane




    Thanks for your reply. What other drugs were revlamid used with jellytot?

    I didn’t have revlamid in the end. The suggestion was VRD but the insurance company said revlamid isnr authorised yet for frontline treatment.  So I’m on VCD .  Just completed one cycle now on the second.  No change in paraprotein levels but it’s early.






    Hi chevgr. I took cyclophosphamide and prednisolone with the revlimid and the same with Velcade. Good luck with your treatment est wishes, Jane

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