Revlimid experiences

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  jeff605 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi people
    I’m just about to finish my third week of my first cycle of Rev (25 mg) and Dex.
    The first couple of weeks weren’t too bad aside from a little tiredness, this third week has been a bit more of a challenge. Firstly I picked up a bug on monday and ended up in Hospital with a high temperature and the shivers, all me bloods were normal so they didn’t keep me in but it was pretty unpleasant. Aside from that I’ve developed a slight headache in the evening, and nausea comes and goes; I’m pretty wiped out. My lower back is a bit sore too.

    I’ve heard that the initial cycles can be a bit tough and it settles down after a few months, but would appreciate any insights or experiences.




    Hallo Tom
    I suggest you take a look at this site on Myeloma Forum. There is a large collection of personal experiences relating to Revlimid.

    I have been taking Revlimid (7.5mg) for over 5 years with no great problems, but as you see my dose is low and I do not take Dex.
    All the best



    Hi Tom

    The first two cycles of Rev and Dex were the most difficult to me, then it got easier. Although I did not get nausea as a side effect, I did get back pain and headaches like you. Nausea I have had if the blood calsium levels have dropped too much because of Zometa. Maybe you have felt worse because of the infection you have? I am not in treatment right now but when I caught a flu/severe cold a few weeks ago I felt rubbish for a week (nausea, fever, headache…). Hope you will feel better soon.



    Dear Annette, Finn
    Thanks for the insights and experiences.
    I found an old (still in date) box of domperidone anti nausea tablets and they’ve been quite effective at snuffing it out. I’m seeing my specialist tomorrow and will talk it over.



    Tom, I’m on my 10th cycle of Revlimid and Dex, which is working well – that’s a dangerous thing to say with Myeloma – and have had very little problems. Mainly tiredness and an unpleasant sweating in the morning which takes me until about 11.30 to 12.00 to recover from, this was very bad initially. So hopefully you will settle down after a short while . I hope so. Best wishes and regards to all Jeff
    ( one thing I have noticed, I am having a lot of trouble both on my laptop and phone hitting the right keys, not sure if this is an effect from a drug or not )



    Hi, all. Tom, I hope all is going well. I am now on my 11th course of Revlimid and Dex, up to now it has been as above. However, the last few days I have been getting more and more exhausted, falling asleep very easily and seem to wake up freezing cold although the heating is on. Today, I had to have a sleep this morning – not unusual – I spent an hour this afternoon sitting down in the garage doing a couple of jobs, had to go in at 3 I was so tired, and went straight to sleep, woken up by the phone, and then went back to sleep until about 6:20 ! This completely whacked out is new, I am wondering if it’s a side effect that has crept up on me. Has anyone else suffered from this ?
    Best wishes to all Jeff



    It looks as though this was a bug of some sort went to bed very early Wed night woke up at about 2:30 soaking wet through with sweat changed everything and started feeling better very quickly and am now back to whats normal for me. Makes a change from waking up wet through with a burst stoma bag !!
    Just getting in the shower this morning and noticed a scaley sort of rash creeping up both feet from toes to past my ankles. Not irritating, bit strange looking though. I’ll peruse the drug info, and have as look on tinternet, but does anyone have any idea as what can be causing it ?
    Wishing you all well, Jeff




    I was on Velcade 18 months ago prior to my SCT and didn’t have any rashes. Since then, over the last month or so I have been getting pain and a rash on my feet and also very dry skin on my Scalp. I discussed both with my consultant who has ruled out any link with MM or it being a dormant side effect of the Velcade. However, having discussed it with my GP, we are both of the opinion that it is stress related. I understand life isn’t particularly easy for you at the moment so could it be stress with you as well?




    Hi,Richard, well,it certainly could be stress, I have been a bit pushed of late. Its most peculiar though, very fine almost like paint overspray, even showing on my nails, so perhaps it’s of fungal origin. Being as usual with everything medical its shown up on a Friday, I’ll just have to keep an eye on it over the weekend .At least up to now it’s not itchy or painful Thanks for the interest, hope your problem is clearing up Jeff

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