Revlimid & Velcade

This topic contains 15 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Jentay 14 years ago.

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    Hi Wolf,
    Yes, I was told to take the Revlimid at night and took it last night at 10pm fearing the worst. It was fine. Didn't need the sick bucket on standby or any of the other measures I had taken, just in case. In fact the only problem I had was that the wretched dex makes me hum and I couldn't sleep. I was still clock-watching at 4.a.m so only managed a couple of hours before the dog needed to pop out to the garden.

    How strange that dex has a different effect on you. It always gives me the jitters and makes me feel as high as a kite. In fact I was hoping that the Revlimid would counteract it but that theory went by the board :>

    Re bloods: I have mine taken a week before I am due to see the consultant. That way all the pp info is current. It works well and isn't a hassle. I just pop into the phlebotomy depart with a pre-printed blood work form and that's it. Obviously every hospital has its own system.

    One thing that surprises me about this new treatment is that not such a close check is kept on bloods. When I was on Velcade my bloods were checked before every dose and done on the day. With the Revlimid I will just have my bloods checked the week before I return to clinic, which will be in a month's time. I am not objecting. You waste far too much time running back and forth as it is. It just surprises me.


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