SCT Hair Loss

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  elainecole 2 years, 11 months ago.

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    I had my 2nd stem cell in January this year. My hair started coming out by about day 7 and much more rapidly than the first time round. I’m now SCT+70 and there doesn’t seem to be any new growth appearing. There was definitely growth by now after my 1st SCT. Has anyone found the hair recovery took longer the second time around. I’m worried the hair loss will be permanent.



    Hi Elaine,

    I am one of the discussion forum volunteers. I have only had one SCT but like you I lost all my hair. However it took about 8 weeks for me to notice any new hair growth, so hopefully you will see it soon.

    I also noticed a change in my hair when it did finally grow back, it is much finer than it was before, and also I have noticed a change in my fingernails, (which are made from Keratin, the same stuff as hair!). They now grow at a much slower rate and are very soft so I do not have to file them down much as they tend to wear down.

    Hopefully the SCT will have done what it is supposed to do, and you will see signs of returning to normality soon. Keep your chin up and let us know how you get on.

    Regards, Tony



    Thank you Tony. I’m fully expecting it to be different from my usual hair when it grows back like it did first time round. Just would like to see some new growth. I’ll keep you posted when it reappears (fingers crossed!).

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