sct looming but pp plateau at 14

This topic contains 40 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  PeterJames 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #101597


    Hi Tom
    My progress maintained, last weekend tandoori mixed grill, ate the lot
    This weekend wine & chocolate , major progress , although sense of taste & dry mouth still not back to normal
    Although I put on lots of weight , got to 112 kg, but did not lose anything like I expected , back on diet
    Had a peek at your Facebook , you look quite thin & I don't mean your hair
    My facial hair is just showing signs of re growth , must be spring !
    All the best



    Hi Peter
    Looked at my Face Book?? dint know you had one and you dint ask to be my friend 🙁 Look Thin gosh am gonna have to tell My Young Bride (Elaine) that one lolol:-D am about 15st 😛

    Your Doing well with it all Peter, But Wine and Chocalate :-0 am a savory man with my drink.
    As for hair (and you peeped at my FB) mine has grown back but i lost the middle top bit lol, I have to admit I was very happy whn I never needed to shave as I hate it.and i hope spring is soon here cant wait.

    Take care

    Tom Onwards and Upwards



    Hi Tom
    You have to remember that on our side of the hill we are very sneaky
    15 stone ok , unless you are 4-6" tall !
    The wine & chocs were taken several hours apart !
    Going to rub grow more into beard to encourage growth
    Very cold on top without much hair this weather
    Outside today @ -3 c plus windchill I think spring is a long way off
    Sorry I sneaked in under the radar , next time I wil ask !
    Be good



    Hi Peter,
    I was referred to the Christie under the NHS and they did do a PP test 2 months after the transplant and found less than 2 which is what I had at the end of the CDT. The Christie does not want to see me again until November. UHSM measured my PP a week after The Christie and found 2.4 so I wonder about the precision of the test at these low levels. The UHSM consultant does not use the word remission as far as I can tell.
    Photo was taken in Sept 2011 when I collected my Humanities degree from the OU. Had more hair then!



    Hi Chris
    For some reason your post chops off what your pp was after 2 months !



    Hi Chris & anyone else up & about !
    Just has a report from my Christie specialist
    My last pp Assessment said i was in a " good remission " which is not a complete remission
    The last blood test will reveal if I have achieved the magic three words
    This test is known as an electrophoresis
    Checked web & this seems to be something to do with DNA , most of the write ups were beyond me
    Anyone else out there know of this test
    After next appointment I will go back onto zometa , but appears I will not be on any maintenance treatment
    At least my hair is not growing back green or bright orange following all the chemical warfare



    Hi Peter,
    I have edited my post by taking out the little 'less than' symbol. I think the soft ware interpreted the symbol to mean 'delete everything after it'.



    Hi Peter

    I think I know that now 😀 but you nip under radar as often as you wish 😉 but dropping by the normal way is better as its "Good To Chat"
    Looked for you On Face Book, do you have a photo on profile? or is that you that just joined ??

    And i will try to be good 😛

    Tom Onwards and Upwards



    Hi Tom
    I am on Facebook , courtesy of middle granddaughter , don't really use it, but if she is round tomorrow we will crank it up & put a pic on
    My proper name is peter Stevenson , but that name was taken when I signed up on this site , James being my middle name
    Watch my Facebook space !
    Don't bother being good , that's boring , just off to measure my hair growth



    Hi Peter
    Now I am confused (know it dunt take much lol) am now not sure who to look for on FB lol, is it Stevenson or James ha ha.

    Tell your Middle Granddaughter to add me to yours and you can find me as tom.lappin.5 Me thinks but av got a photo on mine so you will spot me he he.

    I also dont do good as its not as much fun.
    Catcha soon and take care




    I received an e mail from the International Myeloma Association ( the USA MM )
    You can get on their web site to request regular bulletins
    They have set up in 2012 a completely new research to find a complete cure for MM
    This is now up & running with research from the USA & Europe
    Clinical trials to start this year
    This is more than worth a good read , particularly the press release

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