SCT Not Good Started New Trial Drug IXAZOMIB

This topic contains 15 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  peterl 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #129237


    Hello again 007,

    Thanks for the post, and the encouraging news. Frankly, I think a lot depends on interpretation of the medical terms. I’m not sure which post I wrote, where I said my old retired GP had both mm and aggressive prostate cancer (cured) and that was ten years ago, and although after several mm treatment cycles — he’s still going strong. And the lady my kidney specialist told me about:  diagnosed with mm in her mid seventies, and now 90, and still going strong!! I personally would say these are <i>cured , </i>but of course my interpretations don’t tally with that of the experts.

    However, it’s extremely interesting what you say regarding allogeniec sct. And what your consultants said. Do you know whether the 70% fatality rate in the 3-5 year period is actually a direct result of the allo-sct, or is it because patients were in a fairly bad state before the sct, and their outcome would have been “dodgy” anyway?

    BUt it’s got to be good news that patients after the sct have survived more than twenty years. Although strictly not cured — I personally would say they are.

    Very best wishes and I’m sure whatever decision you make will be the correct one.


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