SCT Recovery.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  christaylor 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone ,  After a number of issues I was finally able  to have a Stem Cell Transplant in Kings College Hospital on 12 March.  I was discharged from hospital on the 2nd April, since then I have had 1 bag of Platlets and 2 bags of Blood as levels are still settling down. However my worry is my Neutraphil has dropped right back to less than 1.0, I thought that once they had started to rise then they would continue. Please can anyone advise, or am I not being patient enough and it needs more time ?.  If anyone can give me any information I would be most thankful.




    Hi Chris

    With you neuts. still settling down after your SCT and being on the low side, the main advice I’d pass on is to keep your living areas scrupulously clean and avoid ANYBODY with any sort of germs. You’re very open to infections at this stage and have to be very careful indeed.
    If you can really work on building your immune system up now, it’ll help a lot. I ate plenty of things like spinach, rhubarb, blueberries etc. and I know it helped.

    Keep in touch with your progress.



    Hello Michele,  Thank you for the information ,  yes have been keeping myself very much in isolation, my appetite is slowly getting back along with the taste buds.  I just hope that my Neutraphil level start to rise, they have given me some more injections to promote this, but I really wanted them to come back on their own accord. The diet suggestions I will carry out and hope it all ends up fine. I am due to see the Consultant at Kings College on May 13 they hopefully will tell me what’s happened. Again Thank you for your message.


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