SCT started

This topic contains 9 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Nanna59 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Well I went into hospital last Sunday to start the next step to SCT
    I received my chemo and all that went with it and all seemed to be ok apart from feeling incredibly sick but I expected that so on Monday they let me go home
    Feeling a bit under the weather I decided to have an early night and then at 3.15 in the morning and every twenty minutes after that a trip to the loo was called for!
    I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like it and so back into hospital I was called and eventually came out again on Thursday
    I'm now dreading the transplant as it can only get worse!



    Hi Christine

    I would say you had a bad reaction to the chemo,if I am correct you can have a different chemo,s,I take it this one was the one you have before you start your injections!!
    Put some baby wipes in the fridge,it helps when you are constantly going to the toilet,much better than toilet paper.

    I can understand why you are worried,but it only last for a short time,one day at a time. Love Eve



    Hi Eve

    Thankyou for the advice
    I suppose in the grand scheme of things its a small thing
    I go in on Monday to have a line put in and then hopefully start the harvest on Tuesday

    Love Chris



    Hi Chris

    Well am sorry you had a bad reaction 🙁

    I recall when I went in for my Chemo prior to the harvest I seen a table top stacked with about 20 sick bowls and thought "Aww my giddy aunt" but I am pleased to say I never needed them sailed through it.

    I hope you go through the Harvest and SCT with the least side effects possible.

    Good Luck

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi Christine

    Just sending good wishes and love.

    Mavis x



    Hi Christine,

    You are not alone with being anxious about SCT. I remember crying myself to sleep for days before my planned SCT because I was unsure about what was going to happen and whether I would cope with the sickness and feeling so poorly. At that stage, I didn't realise this forum existed which provides some good patient's experiences of SCT and details of their daily progress. Try not to worry too much. Just take each day as it comes and listen to your body.

    When you go back into hospital, I would suggest you talk to your consultant about the sickness feeling and the constant trips to the loo following your chemo. You need to get your doctor to prescribe some anti-sickness drugs on your treatment chart just in case you need them, otherwise if you feel sick during the night you might have to wait for ages until the doctor on call prescribes the drugs. Unlike Tom, I did use the whole stack of sick bowls and took many home with me!!

    I hope the harvest goes well.

    Jan x



    Hi Christine,

    Please don't look too far forward. Look forward a day at a time. The medical teams were great with Colin, and me when I was blubbing outside the door as I was so scared too but couldn't show it :-). The team were so attentive, medically aware, check after check was taken, no stone left unturned. You can do it, you've got this far 🙂

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Hello Christine.
    As Vicky and Colin said don't look too far forward, take one day at a time.
    Those of us who have had a stem cell transplant have found that we are all effected in different ways, some sail through it, some have problems. For those that had problems they were only short lived. The net result we hope will be a long remission.
    Stay strong, it is all doable.
    Tony F



    Hi Christine, Just seen your post – hope you're feeling much better now – never heard of that much sickness but then everyones different – have you been harvested yet? I am going to start this route after the school hols and go to Jimmys for SCT – presume you're at Jimmys for the procedure?
    Good luck



    Hi Rebecca
    Sorry for the delay in replying.
    I haven't really felt up to much
    I hope your SCT treatment is progressing well and you are staying positive
    Keep us posted when you are up to it
    I had my treatment in Pinderfields
    They were wonderful

    Speak soon
    Chris x

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