Shaving head

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi everyone

    Just had a call from Frank and he has asked me to ask my friends on forum for tips about shaving his head. His hair is starting to fall out – does he continue to let it or does he attempt to shave it. I'm a little concerned as his hands shake quite a bit and scared he will hurt himself. Do hospitals have a procedure for this – another learning curve. This is the first time Frank has asked me to ask a question on the forum whey hey 😀 any advice will be greatly appreciated

    Take care all
    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean

    I did not need to shaves Slims head,but he did look funny with tiffs string out,in the end just cut them down to nothing,then it just went by itself down the plug hole.if you have the nerve you could do it yourself .Slim would not let me near him with a razor for his head or face.
    Even in ITU a nurse offered to shave him,but would not let her,that's one thing you do not have to worry about the first month there. Is no sign of stubble

    The nurses did nt do it on Slims ward,it would have been better to go to the barbers before he went in,it is hard to watch it on the pillow.or blocking up the plug whole. Love Eve



    Hi Jean and Frank

    I had mine cut in Hospital by a kind nurse and when I got home i shaved it to the bone with my Electric razor and kept it like that for some time, just used to swith electric razor on and sit wathcing telly and running it over my bald head, did same with eyebrows when they started to have bald bits in them.

    Tell Frank to get it all shaved to the bone for a month or two its a lot better (well was for me)

    Love to you both

    Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx



    Hi Jean
    My hair was coming out everywhere and it was all over my pillow I mentioned it to the nurse and she shaved it all off – I looked like Kojak and when Gayle came to visit that night she screamed. It soon started growing back and by 2 months later I looked like I had a curly perm and thick with it.
    Best wishes



    Hi jean

    We elected to get Colin's very short before he went in so that we both got used it it. We were advised not to do it ourself due to the risk of cutting his head and low platelets causing bleeding. A male nurse did offer to shave what was left off, but in the end Colin did it himself. We were also advised to shave with electric razor not wet shave for a while to avoid cuts and infections!

    And tell frank not to worry, it will soon grown back, at one point Colin's hair had grown back so much he looked like a curly poodle… was own cut as he hated it! Forgot what it was like again without hair!

    Hope you are both doing ok! On a blip at the moment here, Colin tired and wiped out, been doing too much 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x

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