Side effects……aaagh!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tom 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    I am a 48 year old male and was diagnosed with Myeloma in February and am in my second cycle of CTD treatment.

    I am really struggling with side effects of dizziness and headaches at the moment. My steroids have been halved but I feel it has not made any difference. My blood results though are good and the consultant is keen for me to persevere with the treatment.

    Does anybody have any hints or tips how I can alleviate these symptoms , especially the dizziness as I am finding it very challenging and difficult.




    I think it was the thalidomide that caused me dizziness. Are you asking it about an hour before bedtime?

    I asked Occupational Therapy to bring me some equipment, for example a frame around the toilet, which I used to stabilise myself, especially of a night time and a seat over the bath, as very often I was too dizzy to use the shower safely.

    At least the drugs are having a positive effect so that is good.




    Hi eaglesham

    sorry to hear about your dizzy spells yes I had them when I had CDT in 2009, and to be fair I had to go on sick leave halfway through my third cycle, I was then off for a full year that took me through my SCT and recovery of that.

    it put me into remission for four years so I feel it was worth it that so I am doing it again but this time I am haveing Velcade and Dex once weekly, seems to be doing the trick.

    stick with it my friend  it will up and down but a doable.


    tom onwards and upwards

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