Side effects after stem cell Transplant

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  tony642 2 years, 5 months ago.

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    I have just had a rash come up on my lower trunk after having my stem cell treatment. This happened on Day 11. after transplant. It has started to irritate now and again, but only a minor itch. It has spread around my front and also shown up on my feet and upper thighs. I am just wondering why this has happened, also if anyone has had the same issue. Could it be the anti-sickness medication I was given through a syringe driver for 4 days. No problem before this.
    Any ideas would be helpful.
    Thank you



    Hi ac,
    Sorry to hear the rash has developed and hope it isn’t too uncomfortable for you.
    I’m afraid I don’t have any answers regarding what is causing the rash, but I do recall a few years back reading an article on side effects of SCT that cited a rash coming up around one week post SCT that couldn’t be linked to medications. I have tried to find the link but it was a while ago that I read it so can’t locate it at the moment but will share the link if I find it. Sorry not to be able to be of more help xx



    Hi ac,

    I had STC but did not get any rash. Have you asked your medical team? You could always Ask the Nurse section on here who is a specialist in Myeloma and I am sure she would be helpful. You will find the link under Help and support on the main Myeloma UK webpage.

    Sorry I couldn`t be of more help.

    Yours sincerely, Tony

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