Side effects query

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  greeners 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Morning All,

    I’m hoping someone can give me some advice as to what might be causing a really itchy rash that has developed over most of my body over the last week.

    I was diagnosed with MM in February 2015  and am 1 week into my 2nd cycle of chemo.

    All seemed to go well with the 1st cycle, my chemo meds are cyclophosphamide, dexamethasone, lenolidamide, carfilzomib, I also take allopurinol, aciclovir, co-trimoxazole and fragmin injections. The only side effect I had during the 1st cycle was that at times my face and neck were really red and the skin on my face felt tight as if sunburnt!!

    I started my 2nd cycle of chemo last Thursday, back in tomorrow, but over the Easter weekend (during my week off chemo), I developed an itchy rash which has got progressively worse. The hospital have so far stopped my allopurinol & co-trimoxazole & i’m taking piriton for the itching. The redness and tightness i had in my face during cycle 1 has also returned.

    Thanks in anticipation.







    Hi – I had a rash all over develop and was on piriton (which didn’t get rid of the rash for weeks) and this was attributed to allopurinol – well known for such side effects. Never had a red face but have heard that dex can do this but then subsides – not heard it with the tightness but when I had dex by the teatime my face had puffed up quite noticeably which I guess could cause the “tightness”? Good luck.




    Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for your reply, sounds like my scenario is similar to yours & hopefully to rash will settle down in time with the piriton. Must be the dex causing the redness, no-one showed any concern during chemo this afternoon, back for more tomorrow, onwards and upwards!!

    Thanks again




    My husband had  large doses of dexemethasone and he had a rash on his arms and a very red face whilst having this . He was on allopurinol as well at the time. He told doctor at his appt this week but they didn’t seem worried about it, hope your treatment goes well

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