Slow heart rate on CTD

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ellen 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    I am wondering if anyone on CTD therapy has experienced a slow heat rate. I have today had a ECG which was perfectly steady but heart rate at 50. I may have to have 24 hr test but thought I would see if anyone else has experienced this’side effect’ if indeed that is what it is.
    many thanks.Wendy.



    Dear Wendy


    I am sorry that you have not received any replies to your post. It is likely that a slow heart rate on CTD is not something that has been experienced by any of the forum users. However, it is known that thalidomide – the T part of the CTD combination – can cause a slow heart rate (bradycardia). It’s not a common side-effect but it is something your doctor will take very seriously.


    I hope this has been of some help, but please do not hesitate to get back in touch if you have any further questions or if you would like to talk things over. My colleagues and I can be contacted directly by email to  or on the freephone Myeloma Infoline 0800 980 3332. 


    With best wishes



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