
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  leicslad 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hello all

    I am just looking for some advice really!

    My dad had bowel cancer last year and after an operation and chemotherapy was given the all clear back in September.

    Due to back pain, dizziness, fatigue and low white blood cells, he was sent for a bone marrow biopsy with suspected MM.

    Today he has been to get his results and they have confirmed that he does have MM but he seems to keep saying the word smouldering to me. Now, from weeks of research, I am aware of what Smouldering Myeloma is, but he is now being sent for a full body MRI due to his lower back pain.

    I am slightly confused, how can they say it is smouldering but then be looking in to growths/bone issues? Surely this is too soon for a smouldering diagnosis.

    They have said, if he does have anything showing on the scan then it will not be classed as smouldering… i am SO confused!! Unsure whether to be relieved or petrified.



    Sorry to hear you and your dad is going through this …I’ve just started on this ….The MRI scan will be helpful and will show up any lesions on the bones that can in itself lead to a diagnosis of MM. Blood tests will also be used to determine the diagnosis. I understand that smouldering is often used when results are below the threshold for a formal diagnosis which then triggers monitoring rather than treatment – in my case I went straight to treatment (radiotherapy on the bone lesions and chemotherapy for the Blood/ bone marrow cancer.) Get to a haemotology consultant as soon as you can and they will help you understand this … it is confusing as Myeloma very individual and not straightforward to get to grips with but once you understand how they diagnose it will help …your dads age and general health will also be a factor in this and something to ask about



    Recent post on US forum you might find useful as reference smouldering Myeloma



    Thank you Rosary. Much appreciated. Yes I think I need to contact them. My dad is 66 x



    hello hflan the fact your father is having a mri scan and possible a full body x-ray. is a means to establish a stake in the ground for future referance, i had these initially diagnosed at 62 (4 year ago) i then have them annually to see if there is any change. i have my bloods taken at the doctors 3mthly followed by an appointment at the hospital. at my last hospital appointment they gave me all the envelopes for my 3mthly bloods and made my hospital appointment for a year on the understanding they will phone of any change. the point being it as taken 4yr for them to establish some sort of level that is common to me. very frustrating but we have to keep at it mean while still tired so rest. stay happy and try to look after yourselves. leicslad

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