Smouldering MM & Fatigue


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  leicslad 3 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hi all!

    I was diagnosed with smouldering multiple myeloma in June last year, which was a bit of a surprise. It was my bone marrow level rather than blood level paraproteins that tipped the balance from MGUS.

    Since then my blood PP levels have increased, but not reached the level for active myeloma or traeatment, and my kidney function is around 60 so also not at a stage for treatment. (bones are all OK thankfully)

    I am however struggling with fatigue, to the extent I have reduced hours at work.

    Has anyone else experienced this?





    hello sally
    sorry to here of your diagnosis, i was diagnosed 6 year ago and i am still systematic, i have recieved no treatment in all that time and yes fatigue is an issue it creeps up on you all of a sudden and yes you do need to rest. i find i rest in the afternoon but not every afternoon only when needed to. keeping active helps but know your limitations don’t do to much. fortunately i am retired so can plan my days. just to let you know where i am at my paraproteins are 33 and have been stable around that figure for a long time. look after yourself rest when you have to and stay safe

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