Started cycle 18!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  eve 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #103092


    Hi folks
    Just a quick update – I started Cycle 18 of RCD on Sunday so I'm in the throws of a Dex up mood.
    My bloods came back a bit lower than the low they usually are for me :-/ HB 95(9.5 in old money they've change the measurement data!) WBC I.6 PLTs 97 and Neuts 0.7 I'm now being put back on weekly blood tests with the possibility of a transfusion due to the low results. Plus I've been told to take a week off the cyclophosphamide.
    I'm feeling ok though 😀 Still no further forward with news about my back op! Oh and I've got a DLA renewal form to fill in – Oh joy.

    Every day is a gift.
    Gratefully received

    Andy x



    Hi Andy

    Have to say how every one is different with results and general health.

    Slims last results taken half way through cycle were

    Serum c protein levels 19 should be 10
    serum creatinine 141 should be 64-104
    WBC 11
    HB. 12
    Platelets 37
    Neut. 1.0

    Most of the other results are off the scales,if platelets drop,under 20 it will be the same for Slim,but he does not look ok health wise ,fatigue,!! Lungs,you name it.
    We see consultant on Friday plus clinic bloods,lets see what happens.Slim is due another BMB in 2 weeks,only way to tell now how he is,except for big mouth me. Lol 😛

    Best wishes Eve



    Hi Andy

    Cycle 18! Hope all goes well and they find a treatment that works for you.

    Ian due out of hospital soon. Regaining strength and hopefully will walk. Bloods being checked every month, stable at the moment but due to be checked Monday 8 August.

    Yes every day is a gift.




    Hi Andy

    I'm glad you still feel well after so many cycles. Your body must be able to tolerate the regular drugs without you suffering bad side effects – which is great news. I remember having quite a few transfusions after my four cycles of CDT. I went into hospital with a walking stick and came out after the transfusions without one and feeling so much better. I hope your treatment is able to continue and controls the myeloma.

    Jan W x



    Hi Andy

    Good to see you are your normal upbeat self, AND after 18 lots of Revlimid. Do hope you get to a good place soon.

    Warm regards.

    Mavis x



    Hi all
    Latest update – went back for another blood test today and everything was ok. No need for a transfusion and my neuts were up a bit. 😀
    So now I'm back on my full meds again. Oh the joys of cyclophosphamide can't wait lol.
    Now where did I put my anti sickness pills?

    Every day is a gift.
    And a lovely present it is.

    Andy xx



    Hi Andy

    Well that's good have you been on Toms vodka:-P ,CDR doe not seem to suit Slim,he is not well at all done 2 cycles on half dose and consultant wants him to start third,although when we went in,he said now you tell me why your husband looks so awful,felt like saying I,m not qualified ,but I was a good little girl,answered all the questions.:-D

    Slims bloods hb 11.6 WBC 1.3. Plates 58 nuts 0.5 kt 2.8 phosphate 0.6 as HB not to bad starting to look for anything that is causing the fatigue.BMB 2 weeks tried to get a quicker one,but no.

    Any way Andy have a lovely weekend,enjoy the beer. Love Eve

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