Hi Jean,
The standard agenda for treatments in the UK is laid down by NICE (The National Institute For Clinical Excellence) which actbotany as a guidance and funding body. Their 'guidance' Is actually quite a strict funding regime… You can negotiate treatments away from their heddle but not from their funding, which carries no guarantees away from their 'guidelines'.
The standard funding guidelines/treatments are:
Frontline: CDT/RCD etc.
SCT: Stem Cell Transplant (Including preparations, pre-harvest, harvest and pre-SCT)
1st Relapse: Velcade
2nd SCT (or accrued remission from Velcade treatment for those who do not qualify for 2nd SCT)'.
Please note that those who do not qualify for the SCT route due to age will jump from frontline to Velcade.
2nd Relapse: Revlimid & Dexamethasone
3rd Relapse: Clinical Trials, previous treatments and or the kitchen sink
End of life procedures.
Of course there are trials and new treatments becoming available all of the time… In that regard it is an exciting time for myeloma patients… Especially those new to the disease.
I hope this is of help.