Starting chemo

This topic contains 19 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  kayle 4 years, 5 months ago.

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    Rebecca, sorry for being a little negative at the start of my post it was a shock to learn that I have a blood cancer, however I was planning on being around a little more than what I was told, I aim to see my grandsons grow into adulthood.

    Thank you for reminding me to be more positive.

    Stay safe.




    Hi Dennis, I didn’t think you were being negative just a realist. I just like to remind everyone that we are all unique and not a statistic. My consultant would not give me a “date” and so I searched on the internet – big mistake. The survival time on the internet is misleading due to the rapid increase of treatments available and doesn’t reflect the general health of the individual also. Take care



    Hello Mark D, Dennis, RebeccaR.
    It’s sobering to see so many of us out there, and although as Dennis perhaps has been informed, this condition is often seen in older adults, I’m surprised how young you/ we all are!
    But am glad so many of you have taken time out of your day to write and respond on here. Thank You Mark and Rebecca for the supportive messages: no two people or MM present the same, but it is heartening to hear of more and more living long and active lives…although I do dream of days getting back to my Table Tennis, or a wee bit of cycling- I’m now more hopeful that those days will return!
    On initial diagnosis I was numb with shock, even though GP and consultant had stated it was very possibly MM: I then spent days researching, planning my funeral, and generally behaved oddly. I now sleep and wake without MM being the first and last thing on my mind- which I can’t quite believe would ever happen. Although I expect to start in one week’s time, I’m still busy organising for upcoming virtual events, birthdays and Xmas!! So, life goes on, and I say to folk, I could get hit by a bus first ( I keep well away from them), my mood lifts theirs. So, trying not to be a memory but to keep making memories is currently my goal….respect and best wishes to you all xx



    Hello Kayle

    The last couple of lines of your last post – what a wonderful statement and for me sums everything up. I am now 15 years on from my initial diagnosis and have many more years (memories ) to to go.

    Best wishes



    Hi Kevin
    Thanks for telling me you’re still here after all these years- that’s a song quote btw!

    Thanks for that, it’s true isn’t it, we spend time dwelling on what ifs, what could be, then start to forget to live now. I know, I’d been doing just that….

    I’ve just said something similar to a new person (nbc): Make memories now, but What strange times we are living through, but we are living through them!

    Am glad those words rang true to you….
    Speak again soon

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