starting treatment

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    Hi Tom as you say its best not to have notice of BMB takes some of the worry away before hand, and when I go for treatment tomorrow I shall take a hand full of your onwards and upwards with me along with one day at a time and hopefully I wont feel to bad on treatment 🙂

    Hi Mavis I shall certainly keep a watch out for those shingles as for warned is for armed and I thank you for that.

    Take care and stay well




    Hi Polly

    Am sure with a handfull of Onwards and Upwards and a sprinkle of one day at a time, and everyone crossing everything we have all it made am sure, hope all went well yesterday

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Polly

    Just a little comment about the arm you have been randonmised on. All the drugs are good so dont worry. I remember asking my Doctor as I was worried that Colin would not tolerate 'this super drug' Revlimid and he explained how all the drugs are good and operate at a sufficient level to treat well…its just when they do trials they might think that some drugs are slightly better than another….maybe. So have faith on yours, there are many that have had it and its worked wonders.

    Colin did not like the bone marrow aspirate, and I am sure like Tom he would have rather had no notice of what was coming!. Hope all goes well for you X




    Well hospital appointment today Tuesday at 9.15 for THE TREATMENT signed a few forms had a talk with consultant all done and dusted by 10.00 then directed to pharmacy for drugs which took them two and a half hours to prepare :-/ then back to nurse to go through the cocktail with me and what a cocktail it is apart from CDT you can add to the mix kidney,shingle,anti-fungal,anti-sickness Tablets and not lets forget those little darlings the tinzaparin jabs but am sure you all know about these already, so here it is shall be starting treatment tomorrow Wednesday as by time the pharmacy had got their act together it was deemed to late to start it today but hey ho one day at a time sprinkle away.

    Hi Vicki had a word with the trials consultant about the CDT arm and was reassured that this was still a very good treatment and as you say I shall put my faith in it 🙂

    Take care and stay well




    Hi Polly

    Well you are getting there,do not mention the pharmacy:-S :'-( >:-(,this is the one thing you will have to look forward to at the start of each cycle,in the hospital we went to they just could not get there act together,I can honestly say the drugs came up to the unit on time only once,and they would not even let me collect them,its not only annoying and frustrating,but when a person is feeling awful its not good for them,I put the fact of Slim catching pneumonia down to waiting with lots of people in clinics,the only place we went, were a lot of people were.:-P.

    Tried complaining,I would of got a better response from a brick wall,so be warned.

    I do not know how far you live from the hospital,but we did find it easier to go home in between bloods and having Zometer and collecting pills,some times we were in the hospital all day.

    Polly you just have to stick with it,stay as healthy as possible and rest as much as you can,you must keep the drinking up,as veins collapse very easy,I do hope you have an easy ride,just listen to your body look after yourself Eve



    Hi Polly

    I agree with Eve. If it is possible to go home and go back. Franks drugs are ordered roundabout 11.00am and they are not ready till 4.30pm. We are fortunate that we live about 20 mins from hospital. One thing I will say is check the drugs yourself before you leave. Frank is just finishing 6th cycle and the drugs were never right. For 4 months the injections had not been ordered by consultant/registrar. Then they got that right and we checked drugs but when we opened one of the boxes at home instead of 12 tablets there were 2. Our daughter in law works In he hospital and she was able to collect them.
    Hope you get through it with little side effects

    Take care

    Love Jean

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