starting treatment

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi All
    We were at the consultant this morning and I was feeling great when doctor told us white cell, Haemoglobin, Neutrofills were up, protein dropped from 28 to 23, Calcium normal, kidney function normal. We asked about CAT scan results. Frank has complained about this pain in his ribs for 14 months and got the scan 4 weeks ago. Doctor told us that there were two small lesions (think that was the word) one on the front of the rib cage and another on the back rib. He said that he would refer him to have radio therapy ? he thought maybe 2 zaps would do it and then in two weeks he was going to start him on 8 cycles of CDT. Frank asked him a question and he said he would check with the consultant. When he came back he said that consultant said that if all went well with the CDT and because Frank is ?healthy? they will start chemo and then SCT. They have given us all this stuff to read, but I can?t get my head round it. For years I have been following journeys of friends on the forum and I am so scared as I feel like this is the beginning of the end. I know I should be grateful, and I am that we have had nearly 6 years free from treatment but this is so hard to take in.

    Frank seems to be taking it ok. The only thing that he says worrying him is ? will treatment stop him from having his gin and tonic and when will he be able to go on holiday!!!

    I would be grateful for any info, advice ? what to look out for ? What can i do to help him. thank you for letting me ramble.

    Love Jean xx



    Hello Jean

    sorry Franks results were not good this time but I think deep down you might have been expecting it with all the rib pain he has been having
    CDT will probably stop you going abroad but you could probably get short breaks here but he will have to be careful of infections as for gin and tonics I had them all the time only one a day but he doesnt have to give them up completely but you will have to drive a the thalidomide can make you feel quite drunk with alchohol The best way for me when taking DEX was with some yogurt in the morning as 20 tablets at a time is a lot
    love and a big (((hug))
    jO XX



    Thanks Jane and Jo

    I know it had to come Jo but it feels like 6 years ago when he was first diagnosed – scared!! Frank seems to taking it better than me. He's full of chat and we are going out for dinner tonight!!

    ThAnks again for your support.
    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean

    I think no matter if you are expecting it,everything seems like a bit of a blow as you have said 6 years is good. Every day is a new learning curve, in time it will just seem normal. So try not to worry,we have all been there before you and will help. You on this journey.

    Frank has been caught early,so he does not have much bone damage and that must be a bonus.
    As for G&T Slim went off all alcohol,but everyone is different. Holidays is the big one they do not like you going abroad!!!

    With a little bit of luck Frank will sail through this,I found it useful to get blood results every month,and you can see for yourself if there is any change,as Jo says the Dex is the big thing,it does have an effect on the body,if you feel Frank is not well,make sure they take it on board at the clinic,plus when he has his Dex moments,make sure he knows it is him that is having a Dex moment.

    Jean make sure you look after yourself,it can be very Eve



    Hi Jean,
    My husband has MM and we have had almost 8 years of it. Just recently his ribs started to hurt and he had 5 days of radiation. It really made the difference he has almost no pain there now. So I hope the same happens for Frank. You both have a busy time ahead of you, I hope all goes well and you can overcome this blip and move onwards. If the only thing worrying Frank is his G and T he must be quite a guy. Good Luck keep us posted
    Love Teresa



    Eve and Teresa thank you so much for your posts. I am beginning to feel better about this. I really fell apart yesterday. Teresa I have been following your posts and am so sorry about your husband. I hope he gets relief from his pain. This is such a horrible illness. Eve I hope Slim is feeling ok.

    Love jean xx



    Hi Jean and Frank

    Well its here now and am sure you will get through it.

    Advice? ? well take it one day at a time and rst when The body tells you yes Jean you because as the "Watcher" its hard too so both of you take it easy no rush for anything and it will all fall into place 🙂

    Good Luck in the road to Remission.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    Oh jean I'm so sorry that the treatment has had to begin, but please please don't see it as he beginning of the end. After all, there are lots of us on here who have started that treatment and who are doing really well. And frank is starting from a really good position too!
    I know it's a scary time and things will change now. But we're all here to support you….and frank if he needs it. Things will b different on CDT but it's all to prevent things getting worse which has to be good.

    Jean, you have my email. Please drop me a line if you want to and I'll give you my phone number. If I can, I want to reassure you. Only tonight nick and I were talking about our life and how lucky we are….despite everything. And how only 3 months ago I was concerned about how life would be for us. But how now it all seems so much better than we could have imagined. treatment doesn't mean the beginning of the end….just a chance to readjust things.

    Big hugs and lots of love
    Debs xx



    Debs I sent you an email early today. I have 2 email addresses so I sent it to both. You must not have gotten it. I think what you went through – Frank will go through as well. My memory is non existent. I wanted to know again your experience. I read your blogg but as I said memory gone out the window. Frank treatment is Radio therapy, CDT and SCT. Your Gala ball looks terrific. You will make much money for this bl**dy awful disease.

    Love Jean xx



    Hi Jean and Frank

    I can Copy what Deb's has said its the start to remission, and with that I wish you Luck it will happen but along they way you will feel a bit? rough, fingers crossed that you go through it as well as I did 😀 uphill but with a smile 🙂

    Love and Hugs

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx

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