Starting VCD for Stage 2 Myeloma

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tonyblackstone 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Myeloma in early June 2019 at age 51. The team under Professor Gordon Cook at Leeds have been fantastic! I stared VCD 3 weeks ago and I’m hoping for SCT later this year.

    I have a lot of lower back / pelvis pain and wondered if anyone has evidence that the VCD treatment along with Zometa via drip will help reduce this pain or should I push for localised Radiotherapy?



    Dear tony, based on what other patients have told me it can take a while for the therapy to kick in as regards pain but as every myeloma patient is unique its good to get in the habit of raising concerns with your haematologist, I tend to do it via the clinic nurses as this a quick route to a answer rather than waiting for your review. I am currently doing dvd therapy which causes back and sternum pain and am taking OxyContin as and when it is needed, so strong painkillers can be prescribed if necessary but only via your consultant. As a myeloma patient of one year standing it’s very important you become an advocate in your own treatment as haematology clinics are seeing increasing numbers of patients due to the ageing population and it’s easy to get lost in the system.
    Best wishes kay



    Hi Kay

    Thank you for taking the time to reply and share your experiences, it’s appreciated.

    I’m only a few short weeks in to my Myeloma journey and so I’m learning everyday and it’s great to pick up great advice from those who are further down the path.

    I wish you all the very best wishes with your treatment and hope everything goes as well as it possibly can do.

    Take care

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