Stem cell therapy

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    I have just finished first line of treatment, which was over a four Minth period. I have responded exceptionally well to the point my consultant informed me that from the tests they do the results are showing no sign of cancer/100% clear.

    I am due to start stem cell mobilisation drugs today and I am concerned as why do I need the high dose of chemotherapy as part of the treatment when my results are showing the cancer has gone. As I understand this the treatment is to get to me down to no active disease in the body. Which the consultant has said the results are showing. So confused why I still need this treatment can any one advise please?





    Hi ime mick
    may I ask how old you are?
    Ime 10 years into myeloma and I have had 2 stem cell transplants..the first after the initial 6 month of chemo i think it was velcade the first treatment was (I’ve had the lot to be honest haha and I am now on pomolidomide for the past 15 months which is keeping the ParaProtiens (PPs) down but they will eventual go up again in my case as they always I enjoy my remission time.
    We are all very different and what treatment works well for one may not work well for another.
    To go onto the stem cell and high dose chemo treatment in hospital(autologous) where your own stem cells are used.
    This is the usual next step script to be honest.this treament totally wipes out all the myeloma cells..I had a great 2 years remission after that but again we are all very different..the myeloma by its nature always comes back but again we all all different so some people get years of remission..and it’s always best to do your research on here..but it depends on how high your PPs were when you were initionally diagnosed leading to your first treatment
    The consultant will see if you are fit and well enough for the stem cell treatment.
    I know this didn’t really answer your question but I think the vast majority of us will follow this script if deemed nessasary.
    Hope this helps and hope others can tell you of their treatments on here which may help you..its very scary initially as we all know.
    All the best



    Hello Ian,
    My understanding is that the Chemo will kill any sleeping Myeloma cells, thereby delaying its return further.

    I’m going into hospital on Wednesday to start the Chemo/transplant. I confess that I also had a hard time getting my head around it after receiving a cancer free result. I have a high risk version of the cancer and so I am due to have a 2nd SCT following the first one to try to delay the return even further.
    I’m a 55 year old woman living in Luxembourg. I think the treatment is more or less the same as in the U.K.



    Hi Mick,

    That’s really useful thanks ever so much for getting back to me.

    All the best




    Hi Joanne,

    Thanks for responding,
    I will be going ahead and start my stem cell farming on Wednesday as well, so the high dose chemotherapy will kill the sleeping cancer cells, thanks for that information it has been very helpful ,
    The very best of luck with your treatment Joanne.




    No problem Ian
    Good luck with the treatment
    All the best




    Like you after the initial treatment period I was 100% free of myeloma. I understand the chemo is to completely clear the body of any lingering cancer prior to the STC. Mine was 2.5 years ago and I have been free of MM since then

    Good luck




    Hi Ian,

    Just to agree with what Mick, Joanne and Tim have said – the SCT is added to the induction chemotherapy to really clear out your system before letting your body get back to life, and gives a longer period of remission.

    I had a STC almost 3 years ago in 2019 and have not been on any treatment yet, although my paraproteins have been rising very slowly for a while now. I’d certainly go through the treatment again for the benefits it gives.

    How are you getting on with the SCT process now?

    Best wishes, and do give us a shout if we can offer any advice or support,
    Rich 👍

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