Stem Cell Transplant

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sue48 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    How many people on this site have not had a stem cell transplant, I opted out being that I was so ill with treatment, I  am so worried and wondering if I have done the right thing, would feel happier if I could have some opinions.

    Think this is a great site, you all seem so very friendly.




    Hi Sue

    This is such a difficult question to answer, really you should discuss it with your consultant, you have to put your trust in someone or try to get a second opinion.

    I know several people who have benefited with long remissions and some even had a second STC because the first was so successful, unfortunately mine only lasted just over a year but since then the new drugs available have kept me in remission except for a few episodes.

    Really only you can decide, try and get all the information you can and speak to many people especially those that have been through it.




    Hi Peter

    Thank you very much for your reply, I have just got it into my head  that if I don’t go ahead I will not survive for long, but you have just given me a little bit of  hope with the new drugs. My pp went up to 7.4 but on last visit it had gone down again to 7.2, do you know of any people who have not had the SCT and are doing ok. Glad you are keeping well, keep it up. I am just going through a depressing stage at the moment, reading too much on the internet, which I know is wrong

    Thank you again


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