Steriods~ Thin Skin & Bruising

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mandap01 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #122158


    Hello everyone,

    I am now on Course 36 (Lenalidomide/ Revlimid – 15mg), and this of course includes

    Steroids -2 mg. All has been well ?? until a couple of Courses ago, when my skin seemed to

    become very thin and susceptible to easy bruising and tearing. (Apply a plaster to a cut, and when taking it off the skin will rip!!) I have to be careful to avoid edges and corners as these

    have a desire to attack me !!!

    Has anyone out there any suggestions regarding this problem ??



    Sorry I can’t help with the weak skin but the bruising could be a “low platelet level” What are your blood test figures? Platelets need to be 100 or above. I am struggling to meet that recently. Just doing day to day things or a bit of DIY and afterwards I have red marks on my arm that turn into a bruise and take about two weeks to fade. What is your  Pp’s (Paraprotin)  reading. You might be able to reduce the Revlimid dose ( the most likely cause of the problem). Ask your consultant at your next appointment.



    I am on the same meds as you are 15mg revlimid and steroids 2mg but I don’t get bruising as such but get feeling of been bruised on by legs and body and this happens about 2 to 3 days after taking the steroids which can be painful when I touch my body or lay in bed. And I also get out of  breath around that time. The doctors said the breathing is the steroids. I suffer from AL Amaloid. Things seem to be going well but quite slow.

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